St George’s Veterinary Hospital Sedgley

Emer Lenihan availability

Clinics at St Georges Veterinary Hospital are usually held by our ophthalmologist Emer Lenihan – with different members of the team filling in when Emer is away when possible.

***Until further notice our Wolverhampton clinic will be held at St.George’s Vets Sedgley branch***

Appointments are limited and must be made centrally by us here at Eye Vet Clinic (NOT THROUGH THE HOST CLINIC)

Please call 01568 616616 to make an appointment.

BVA/KC/ISDS eye testing will not be conducted at satellite clinics until further notice


**PLEASE NOTE….appointments at satellite clinics are popular and we often have waiting lists. If you cannot make an appointment at a satellite clinic you have booked, please contact us as soon as you know so we can offer it to a patient on the waiting list. Thank you!**

Our Location

St George’s Veterinary Hospital
43 Dudley St,

Telephone: 01902 667950


Vet Details

Emer Lenihan will be holding clinics in St. George’s Veterinary Hospital on the following dates (by appointment only)

Available Dates

  • 11 December
  • 8 January
  • 22 January
  • 5 February
  • 19 February
  • 5 March
  • 19 March
  • 2 April
  • 16 April
  • 30 April