Maes Glas Vets Bridgend

Rachael Grundon or Rossella Carrozza availability

Clinics at Maes Glas are held by one of our ophthalmologists usually Rachael Grundon or Rossella Carrozza – with different members of the team filling in when either of them are away.

Appointments are limited and must be made centrally by us here at Eye Vet Clinic (NOT THROUGH THE HOST CLINIC)

Please call 01568 616616 to make an appointment.

BVA/KC/ISDS eye testing will not be conducted at satellite clinics until further notice

**PLEASE NOTE….appointments at satellite clinics are popular and we often have waiting lists. If you cannot make an appointment at a satellite clinic you have booked, please contact us as soon as you know so we can offer it to a patient on the waiting list. Thank you!**

Our Location

Maes Glas Vets
Church Acre
CF31 2JT

Telephone: 01656 652751


Vet Details

Rachael Grundon and Rossella Carrozza will be holding clinics at Maes Glas on the listed dates (by appointment only)


Available Dates

  • 19 February (Rossella Carrozza)
  • 20 February (Rachael Grundon)
  • 5 March (Rossella Carrozza)
  • 6 March (Rachael Grundon)
  • 19 March(Rossella Carrozza)
  • 20 March (Rachael Grundon)
  • 3 April (Rachael Grundon)
  • 9 April (Rossella Carrozza)
  • 17 April (Rachael Grundon)
  • 23 April TBC
  • 1 May (Rachael Grundon)
  • 7 May TBC
  • 9 May (Rossella Carrozza)
  • 15 May (Rachael Grundon)
  • 21 May TBC
  • 28 May (Rachael Grundon)